Anonymous Insider Observations, From A Modern Gentry Man
Picture this, Vogue magazine spearheading a global shopping drive in a bid to help the recession, which has hit the fashion industry. It shall be named ‘Fashion’s Night Out’, could take place as soon this Thursday and would see participating stores staging special events for the night.
Well, you need not picture this for to much longer as its already here, and you guys know you will be made to attend by your partners, however much you try and make a excuse!
Now, this evening is of course aimed at the hordes of female shoppers out there wanting a bargain and an excuse to spend spend spend, but my concern if firmly placed at the heart of the male agenda, where forced labour (befitting a worker donkey) will ensue as you become chief bag carriers!
Well gentleman, I’m pleased to be the bearer of good news, as one brand will surely become your stable of rest on Thursday evening, making time pass a little more quickly in your direction – welcome onto your life Oliver Sweeney.
Oliver Sweeney shall be open from 6-11pm, 66 new Bond Street, London. http://www.oliversweeney.com