Nike. Nike. Nike? After recieving a number of email requests about the Nike/Loopwheeler blog posted a mere handful of weeks ago, i felt compelled to bring fourth another innovation from the world of Nike.
Mr. Gentry readers, i ask of you to take note and behold a very 007 flurry into fashion sportswear. Released upon us is a new Parka named the "M51" - the name alone should have you intrigued as to what innovational development has been born from Nike towers?!
Some history first though, which starts in the the 1950's, the Parka was spawned from military issue outerwear and initially designed for the freezing conditions of the Korean War. However the M-51 was quickly adopted as the uniform of a youth movement where the utilitarian style of dress appeared with groups such as the Teddy Boys and the Ton up Boys. This style found its way to the Rockers and eventually rested upon the tidy lapels Mods where it waterproofed its way into the style savvy as a modern aesthetic.
Now, with Nikes much added technical innovation, including "lazer cut pockets" and something called "Linerless 2L Storm-FIT" replacing the heavy cotton canvas of the original, it remains identifiably true to form whilst raising the bar for the rest.
Mr. Gentry awaits the next innovation.
Available from September:
Loving this!!!! Loving Mr Gentry!